
Sú Vitra is a true to life Icelandic Troll that was built for FlyOverIceland. She has enjoyed her time there since 2019 and still looks great! the details on her really draw in passers by.

This is Su Vitra, an Icelandic troll. She is reckoned to be about 730 years old... Still relatively young for a troll. Her name in Iceland translates to "Wise one".
Other trolls come to her for advice and medicine. Her lotions and potions are said to cure anything from horn growing pains to a broken heart.
Like all trolls she lives mostly a subterranean existence, deep in the wilderness of the Icelandic highlands. She is benevolent and kind...but can turn nasty if her peace and quiet is overly encroached upon.

She was lovingly sculpted and constructed by DANIEL ADAM PILKINGTON

After images provided by BRIAN PILKINGTON


Tufti the 10ft Troll


The Midgard Serpent